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01 July     opening  early registration  
15 July     deadline early registration
19 August  deadline late registration


Scientific school
Complesso di Santa Chiara, Alghero
from 29 august to 05 september 2021

ILS Innovative Learning Spaces 

is the scientific school organized by DADU (Department of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Sassari, with the contribution of Sardegna Ricerche under the project Scientific School 2019-2020. The scientific school ILS, held since 2016, is now in its 5th edition, thanks to the success obtained with an international renowned partners, this year hosting the national network PRIN - ProSE - Prototypes of schools to be lived (IUAV, UNISS, Polimi, UNIVPM, Uni Campania, INDIRE). 
The goal of the ILS Scientific School is to provide designers of learning spaces with specific skills for the construction of new school spaces or the renovation of the existing ones.

“Schools to be lived” aims at designing the school of the future, trying to erase the existing limits between the dimension of the school space and that of the real world, of everyday life, characterised by rapid exchange of information, new technologies, social and  virtual environments, BIM design and energy sustainability.

For some time now, it is a common idea that the school should be configured as a broad and diversified system of cultural, social and educational functions, integrated with the community and open to socialization. The "school to be lived" should then respond to this goal, also and above all in the conformation of the interior spaces and fittings, "breaking" the rigid and traditional setting of classrooms-circulation spaces, and offering differentiated and multifunctional environments. Orientation also indicated by the recent Miur Guidelines on Scholastic. Finally, it is always in this direction that the studies aimed at the implementation and development of ICT technologies are inserted, with the dual aim of improving the internal environment, in terms of microclimatic, luminous, thermal, functional and safety conditions, etc., both to provide devices and applications for educational-didactic purposes.The educational objective of the Scientific School ILS is to train designers for educational environments as highly specialized figures, with specific skills in  design and implementation of new school spaces, or for the adaptation of existing ones. 



photo © Rita Cuggia 



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